// array of bookmarks
'check'=>'Check this box to include Twitter in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Post to Twitter',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Tumblr in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Add to Tumblr',
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'share'=>'Add to Technorati Favorites',
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'share'=>'Subscribe to the comments for this post?',
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'share'=>'Add to Reddit',
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'share'=>'Post to Google+',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Google Bookmarks in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Add to Google Bookmarks',
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'share'=>'Add to FriendFeed',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Facebook in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Post to Facebook',
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'share'=>'Send via E-mail program',
'baseUrl'=>'mailto:?&subject=MAIL_SUBJECT&body=STRIP_TEASER - PERMALINK',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Digg in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Post to Digg',
'check'=>'Check this box to include DesignFloat in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Add to Design Float',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Delicious in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Post to Delicious',
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'share'=>'Add to LinkedIn',
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'share'=>'Add to MySpace',
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'share'=>'Add to NewsVine',
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'share'=>'Post to Pinterest',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Addthis in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'More bookmark/share options.',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Orkut in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Share on Orkut',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Diigo in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Add to Diigo',
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'share'=>'Add to Yahoo Buzz',
'check'=>'Check this box to include Bebo in your bookmarking menu',
'share'=>'Add to Bebo',
ferrotel | CAT Servizi - il blog dell'area servizi...↓
Ferservizi con decorrenza 30/06/2013 ha recesso dall’accordo di collaborazione con la società HDS, che ha in gestione 13 ferrotel del nord-italia. Hds ha immediatamente avviato la procedura di collocazione in mobilità per tutto il personale attualmente in forza, 83 persone, … Continua a leggere→